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i played this again today, and i forgot how funny it was! i hope to see it finished someday


Please come back ;-;


Are there any news about the development? I truly enjoyed the demo and the characters :(


Please complete this game someday.


I was really looking forward to this. It's sad that it doesn't seem to be moving forward. Superb demo.


Good game but it would be better if it was a full game.I really liked The Glasses-sama.


i really hope the developer still wishes to make this into a full game! i'd buy it; it's so cute.

it's been 3 years tho, so odds are not good huh...



You don't need to know from me, play it yourself :P

Alright... Why do I love it?

Besides the beautiful and neat art and concise story,

I think it's like an anime. It is episodic, in a really good way!

I love how it flows in my head like an anime. I could see the story animated inside my head with the unique, lively and relatable characters interacting with each other and forming the story.



the art and story are amazing! I cant wait for the full game!


i really hope you update this because its a good stpry and such a good artstyle


has there been any progress? It's been a couple of years and i see no updates.


First of all, Art. Style. Snatched. My. Wigs. 

this is a pretty good demo in my opinion. The story line is pretty interesting, too.  i personally like Grouchy character, you build up his character well.  one character that i think need something is the prince, it's already good but i think he can be better. maybe it's because i can impress him pretty easy ;; unlike  the Glasses guy that has some unique characteristic and Grouchy that has rude attitude but become more and more comfortable with natsu , i don't see prince has a special charm besides being friendly all the time and damn. wealthy. If you can manage to develop each character's more, i can see so much potential in this game ^^

I looove this game and i look forward to play the full version.


Awww, this was so gooddddddddd. I felt like the characters were very real, the interactions between characters were genuine, and everyone was very likeable. Grouchy/Hiroto is cool, Prince is charming, and Glasses was cute. I like reading VN's and otomes out loud, but Magic Girl Mimimimi, Vivivivi, Bubububu, and Trolololol gave me a run for my money. ANywayS, the art is fantastic, the writing is sublime, and the protagonist is wonderful. 


ok, but like, Glasses was my bias breaker big-time. He made me a little nervous in the beginning, to be honest, but then you find out he's just a big dork who really likes his stuff. And how can you fault that? And then at the end, he's actually really heart-felt and kind when you tell him the truth or downplay it, or a even bigger dork who is innocently gullible to manga plots.....he's a cutie. Can't wait to see more of him (and the other guys!)(And Natsu!) in the full game! For now, I'll just play the demo over and over again...


The art for the game is fantastic! More particularly I love the writing so far, the humour is fast-paced (the amount of times I twisted my tongue trying to pronounce Magic Girl's characters made the running gag more enjoyable) and each character is portrayed so vividly that it makes it hard to select a character branch - it will definitely be harder to hone down on a single favourite character once the full game is out! It's also cool already from the demo, you get a massive hint of each character's twist.

The game was rather silent (I had to play my own music) but I'm guessing there will be more audio in the full game. I'd love to see how the audio and bg music would elevate the game's pace and humour!

A smaller tidbit but when Natsu speaks about her future and how she's expected to decide on what to do in the future was one of my favourite scenes. I just wanted to let you know that I felt that and it makes her more relatable. 

Anyway, thanks for the demo! Its nice to have a simple and enjoyable plot and how a simple convenience store has been transformed into a world of its own. I can't wait for the full release~

Loved it and enjoyed it!!!! <3

Love the art style and the plot story so far, the characters are drawn so well. If there was music and voice to the game it could have brought more fun playing it. My fav is Grouchy, Glasses, Natsu, Hoodie and last the Prince  (not fan the prince kind but he is good). Looking forward to the full game.


A great game that I have been meaning to play for a very long time. Sucks that no music was provided for this game as, playing quiet and, i'm sure watching quiet takes from the story that is being conveyed here. Great work was done by the characters who you really get drawn in by. Speaking of drawing the art work is well done and, neatly polished. Hope that one day the full game does get released along with audio for it.

I LOVED IT. I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised when I played it. The characters are good and the story so far is good too. I loved the art style! My favourite character was Grouchy, second Glasses and last was Prince. Glasses would probably look really good without them from what I've seen of his eyes (probably meant to be like that). I liked it. Grouchy's personality and backstory plus the connection between them made it all the more better. I hope this story will be a success (I bet it will). Excited to see more. <3

(1 edit)

I honestly and thoroughly enjoyed the demo of the game, it reminded me so much of a short episodic anime series (might be because the character art itself resembles it quite a lot) or an evolving story that didn't give out too much of the main plot but provided just the right amount of details and content to keep the player or viewer interested enough to stick around till the end, players like me. I look forward to the full release of the game, that is  if I can afford it (hopefully). Nevertheless, I commend the team of game developers who worked on this visual novel game for the fun and enjoyment of playing it.

Ahh, I  loved this game! The plot is so unique and well written and the art (both background and sprites) is amazing! I saw your twitter post and can't wait for this to be released, please keep working on this! 

As a loser for megane characters, please make Glasses guy more attractive somehow? I feel like it's unfair because Grumpy, Prince, and even the thief have their appeal but Glasses is just portrayed as, well, weird. Idk if it's just me, but yeah. The setting's very interesting, though. Makes me look forward to Grumpy's story.

Nice art, too.


Any update????

fingers crossed the full version will be released this year >.< it's so good, imma cry a river if the development's discontinued ;-;




X3 I think you'd like seduce me the otome


check out my collections for other otomes you might like

omg i loveeee seduce me 😍😍😍 and yes i’ll make sure to check it out~

i like sam the best, you?

Looking forward to the full game!


Been so long, still waiting for that update or full game ;-;


i laughed so hard when the prince an Natsu threw food at the shoplifter, he is my absolute favorite character because he's just so goddamn adorable 

I loved the game, but can we please know when will this game come out ... as full?? I just can't wait!! Btw... I already ship the protagonist with the prince best! 


Oaaaah I actually loved this game ! It was entertaining and truly fun... You're so talented ! A game entirely in a kombini, a place where all kind of people can meet... I hope to see the complete version someday ! Is the project still in progress ?


Omg I love this so much! Please can you let us know how the progress is going and if you're almost finished or not? We won't mind if the release date changes, but just a rough idea?


When will full game be made?

i was thinking the same thing lolol

yes i have been looking forward to it for a while now

This was really nice to play! Love the graphics, and the story was also fun and entertaining; can't wait to see more!

This was so fun to play through! I hope to see more of it! ♡

Haha, I went fully expecting Mr. Casanova to piss me and what do you he's actually pretty sweet.

Kinda scares me a little tho not gonna lie. 

Mr.Grumpy pants isn't so bad, he's the responsible type and I appreciate that but I'm cynical af so his idealism is a little too much for me. 

Gotta say, wasn't really expecting glasses to make me glaze over into "customer mode" too many years as a cashier has me slowly backing away from his type, even if they're sweet, they don't know when to stop.

I love how you build prefrences for the characters over such a short amount of time! My favorite has to be Glasses. I am 100% looking forward to a full release.

Looking  for forwand to the full version. The boys are all unique in their own ways. I love the sprites, they are beautifully made. Cant wait! ^_^


I love this game and I love Glasses! I can't wait for the full version!


When will the full game be out?

The graphics are beautiful and the game made me literally chuckle in a world where most of my lol-ing happens only in my mind. I can't wait for the rest of it! I just want to put a jingle whenever we see the store front "Konbini Liiiiiiiiiiifeeeeeeee~!" ^o^


Great game really enjoyed it. I cant wait to play full version when will it be available? I am so excited!!!!!


looking forward to the full ver! 


How is the game going along?

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