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If the demo is any indication, this will hella fun to play when it comes out :D

I'm glad Natsu is a character with a's actually more disturbing to not have a character than to have an avatar that doesn't look like you...

Anyway, looking forward to all the humor and Grouchy-kun! Also, fabulous art style, guys.

Thank you! Early on we didn't have a physical MC, but we agree, it was weird! It felt like there was something missing and then Natsu was born :3 I hope you enjoy the final product once we release :)

I'm glad you changed your minds, lol. Will anticipate release day!

Found this game in while browsing for next game to play, and downloaded it right away! Since I recently watched a comedy genre J-dorama with konbini setting so I wanted to play this too lol ( ̄ー ̄). And... I don't regret it because I love this game!! <3 This is only a demo, but it's so funny! I laughed way too much; my brother gave me annoyed look while I was playing it in our living room lol xD The dialogue were funny and cute. The art is excellent! Gosh I love the characters designs, the artist is talented for sure! Each characters has distinct personality. Their bickering and dialogues were the best things happened in this game! Good job for the creator, two thumbs up! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

Honestly, the theme used in this game is very relatable for me since I'm feeling the same as Natsumi's feeling nearing my own graduation, even our thoughts are similiar lol, sorry for my random rants (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)

Thanks for making this game! \(^O^)/ And I read your replies for other commenters that you'll make it free to play, aaaaah I can't ask for more since I love free game (●≧艸≦) lol~ (so shameless haha)

I'm looking forward for the full game! Sorry if there are some mistakes in my words, English isn't my first language after all~! Ganbatte minna!! ^O^

So glad you found it and liked it! :D (I must check out this konbini drama, it sounds fun!) We're happy you like the looks and can relate to the characters (We've all been in Natsu's shoes at some point, you're okay *pats*). We hope you enjoy the full FREE version once we release it. Thanks for the wonderful words :)
P.S Your English is great, no need to apologize :)

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Gah! I've been looking for a romantic comedy visual novel for so long, and this one is just perfect! The characters, the art style (which looks absolutely godly), and just the plot itself. It's quite unique and very interesting. Also, I don't think I have ever loved the heroine so much before. Natsu is an amazing character, and usually I find the heroine to be annoying but I love her! I was in love with every character in here, even the hooded man! (I know, I'm weird) and it was hard to pick one but I had to go with lovely Grouchy-sama <3 Everything about this is just dfbs\fb\kejfh.uqef astounding!! xD

I'm so excited for the full version! *^* Is there a release date for the full version yet?? I'd love to follow up with the development of this game because the demo was AMAZING. I mean, it is automatically one of my favorite VN, even though it's just a demo... that's how well made this was. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to seeing more Konbini Life!! *squeals*


Haha thanks so much for taking the time to write to us! :3 We greatly appreciate the kind words <3 There's no release date yet but we are actively working on it and we want to see it through :) Currently we have a twitter - and a forum thread - though we are trying not to reveal too much about what we are working on :D We may be enticed to share some of the art...

Thank you again! Your post made our day :D :D: D

omg i so love the art! and the eyes, the eyes man /cries/ . I LOVE IT OMG FIGHTING~~ im so excited c:

Haha that's wonderful XD Grouchy's eyes are the gorgeous-est imo >bias< so glad you love the art <3

hahaha omg yes they are and welcome ~/high five XD

Ugggggh the graphics are so niiice. And I like the story too. Can't wait for the full version ;_;

Thank you :D

(1 edit)

Gosh, I just finished the demo and I'm so excited to play the real game! I love how diverse the characters are and I think their nicknames are so cute! At first, I thought Glasses would be a weird perv-y character [yikes sorry] but he's actually the funniest character in my opinion, with his love of Magic Girl Mimimimi!! Also, I love how mysterious the Prince was. The fact that he buys so much food from the store everyday reminded me of* [i typed me or myself before lmfao what] myself, because I often go shopping and then forget stuff and end up going to the store daily haha. But, I really want to play his story and get to know who he is and why he's so rich????? BUT, my favorite character has got to be the grouch himself. After reading why he's trying so hard to become the owner of Super Konbini Mart it made me want to be right by his side to help him out.

Also, I love the art and the drawings! I hate to say it but one of the major things I look at is art style in games, and this one is definitely the real deal.

Goodness I can't wait till the full version is out! [hopefully its free bc im just a smol teenager with no money haha ):] Keep up the hard work!!


*wicked laugh* Glasses has more to come >:D and we're glad you find Prince so mysterious too, that's awesome. Everyone has their own reasons for being who they are but we only got to reveal Grouchy's in the demo so it's great that you liked his reason for being so... Grouchy ;)

Bird2 is an amazing artist, she really brings a personality to her designs :D I'm so envious. She's currently working on new poses as well so that will help sell them even more :)

And you're in luck! The game WILL be free *throws confetti*

Thanks for your kind words!


I loved the art style, the characters, the story, just everything. The way the story was written felt so real along with the characters personalities and reactions to certain situations. I can not wait to see this as a full game. The only suggestion i would make is adding in some convenience store music and sound effects but other than that this game is amazing. Keep up the good work!

We have music! We just never got to implement it because we ran out of time XD Thank you for the encouragement it means a lot to us :) <3

Sooo cute and really well-designed! Unique storyline too :) Can't wait to play the finished product! <3

Thanks for the kind words Yannie! :D

omg I love this! The demo was amazing, I cant wait to play the full game. xD

Yay, thank you! :D

no problem :)

I loved the demo and can't wait for the full game to be out.

The dialogue was engaging as was the character interaction.

The artwork was fantastic.

I will definitely be happy paying a cost towards this game!

Aww we appreciate the offer but Konbini Life will be a free title :D yay! Thank you for the offer though, it's a really nice thought :) We are glad you enjoyed the demo!

Can't wait for the full game! I loved the different characters and Natsu's dialogue was quite funny. Considering she;s working the night shift, things are pretty eventful and exciting and the art is really nice as well. Keep it up! :) Can't wait!

Thank you! The trick was thinking up characters that would hang around in those hours haha. Thanks for the encouragement!

Not a problem, can't wait to see more!

Ahhh! This demo is awesome! I'm already in love with this game and I can't wait till the full release!!!! Every part of this was wonderful and the art is amazing, not to mention the fact that I can relate to Natsu on a personality level. Reading her dialogue and the choices given is a blast because they are all things I would say, right down to the "I will draw the best damn poster this store has ever seen!" I'm a permanent fan and I'm super excited to see what you come up with in the future. Keep up the good work.

So happy you're feeling Natsu! We wanted to make sure she felt like a real person with real responses :D Thanks for such kind words <3

No problem! I always enjoy VN's with amazing story lines, great CG, and wonderful characters. This VN definitely has all of those factors and I can't wait till the completed version is out.

(1 edit)

I absolutely love the demo so far! I can't wait for the whole thing to come out! The characters are so loveable and the art style is beautiful! I can't wait for the full game!

Thanks so much! We're super excited to see Konbini Life through :)

(1 edit)

I just played the demo and I LOVE it! All the characters have really interesting personalities and fun interactions, I love them all. The setting is really fun (and makes me miss japan kombinis). And the art is super cute too. I really can't wait for the full release! Good job guys and good luck!

Thank you so much :D Super glad to hear it! Which character did you enjoy the most?

I really liked all the characters and tbh its a tough choice but... I'd have to say GrumpyKun! I love the playful banter and the interactions between him and MC were really cute!

its amazing so far! I love the diverse cast you have. The main character is extremely likable. Will you sell the game on steam, or will it also be available for android?

Yay, thank you! We're happy Natsu feels relatable, that's great to hear :) Unsure about putting it up on Steam right now, we need to do a little investigation of what that entails, but the finished product will be free. No plans for android at the moment either (hadn't thought about it haha). Thanks again for playing~

its so awesome that your doing it for free! I'd also be willing to pay for it too (or donate because I remember being poor when I was a teenager). It's actually already better than some of games I've bought :D I was curious on how many hours each route was.

Thanks so much for the thought! We're pretty dedicated to keeping it free because we remember what it's like being poor teenagers too, so it's the least we can do :D

Route-wise they come in just under an hour (which includes the time before the branch starts, it's a short game) but with the polish we want to add that should extend the playtime a bit :)

when will the full version be out? konbini life is really funny, i look foward to future updates!!!

Thank you! We are currently sorting out where we can improve the narrative and potentially exploring adding more poses/UI/CGs/Sound/Everything else haha. Is there anything you would like to see most of all? We won't set a deadline yet as we are working out what we want to achieve :) But we are still working on it!

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